Passport Hardware Wallet | Secure & Easy!

A Great Signing Device for Multisig and Singlesig!

passport hardware wallet

The Best Device To Secure Your Bitcoins!

passport hardware wallet
Passport is an open source hardware wallet with some amazing advanced features
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Get $10,- discount on the Passport hardware wallet with our coupon code!

Passport Hardware Wallet

Looking for an easy to use and secure hardware wallet that is good for both multisig and normal Bitcoin wallets? Have a look at Passport! It’s a robust device created by a team that cares about the original Bitcoin ethos like open source (?) and privacy.

The device comes with the newest security features like air-gapped signing (?), supply chain tampering check and anti-phishing words, while it operates intuitively and easy as a classic mobile phone. This makes the ratio between security and ease of use really great! Click the button below and get $10,- off your Passport with our code MULTISIGSIGNER.

Which Multisig Wallets are Compatible with Passport?

If you use the Passport device for normal Bitcoin storage, you can use the Envoy app to make it easy and enjoy extra features. However, if you want to setup multisig, you first have to check which multisig wallets are compatible with Passport. While you choose your wallet its important to check compatibility with your other signing devices and the features you want to use. Below a list with compatible multisig wallets:

When you setup your Passport, you can choose to set it up with the Envoy app or on its own. For multisig we recommend to set it up on its own, unless you want to use the device for multiple wallets.

For multisig we recommend to setup the device without the Envoy app, to keep it as clean as possible. The less software you use, the simpler the setup is and the less can go wrong. If you want to use all your wallets and maybe even your Nostr account with one seed, you can use BIP85 (?) and create a separate child seed for all your different uses.

compatible multisig wallets
Check here which multisig wallets are compatible with the Passport hardware device

The Envoy App

The Envoy app can be used in combination with the Passport hardware device, but you don’t have to. It gives some extra privacy features like TOR connectivity and coin control and makes the setup and use of the Passport device smooth, fast and easy. It’s mostly useful for singlesig, for multisig you can pick a 3rd party multisig wallet with those features.

You can manage both hot wallets and by passport protected cold storage (?) wallets in the app. For the cold storage wallets you sign air-gapped via QR codes which makes the process secure and easy. For the hot wallet they have the ‘Magic Backups’ feature, which encrypts the wallet data with the seed and stores it in the cloud provided by Foundation Devices.

envoy app
The Envoy App can be used together with Passport to make it more user friendly and add privacy

Features and Benefits of Passport

Passport is a 2nd generation hardware wallet with the latest features, so you get the best security available and a smooth user experience. Signing with QR codes is not only the safest way, but it’s easy and fast too. When the device arrives at home, you can check that nobody manipulated it. Further, the device is protected against physical attacks with a secure chip and duress pin.

features and benefits passport hardware wallet
Here you can find the features and benefits of the Passport hardware wallet

General Features

USABILITYrating 4.5 star
TRUSTrating 4 star
SECURITYrating 4.5 star
OPEN SOURCEFully Open Source (FOSS)
TOR SUPPORTDepending On Used Wallet

Multisig Features

COMPATIBILITYrating 4 star

Attacks Passport Protects Against

Which hardware wallet is best for you is depending what you want to do with it. Do you need it for singlesig cold storage or as a signing device for multisig? If you need it for multisig, which signer is it going to be?

Will the device be kept at home? Then it better protects against physical attacks. Do you store it in a vault abroad together with the naked seed, then protection agains online attacks might be more important. Below you can see which attacks Passport protects against:

secure qr airgap
The best protection against hackers comes from the secure QR air-gap
Supply Chain AttackGood, Tamper evident bag
Evil Maid / Trojan Horse AttackPerfect, Double pin & Anti phishing words
Seed ExtractionVery Good, Double pin & anti phishing words + Secure element
Online HacksPerfect, QR and SD Card air gap
Random Nr Generator AttackGood, Open Source Random Nr. Generator
Backdoor Secure Element Good, Secure element

Passport Concierge Program

Are you feeling uncomfortable with self custody of your Bitcoin? Get a 1 hour onboarding session from Foundation Devices themselves! For $99,- you can book the concierge program, where one of the experts helps you with every step in the process to get your Passport device setup and funded.

They will help you with unboxing the device, setting it up, connecting it to Envoy or a 3rd party wallet and sending your bitcoins to the cold storage address. You can buy the program together with the hardware device or separately on the official website.

passport concierge program
With the Passport Concierge Program an expert of Foundation Devices will help you to setup your device from A to Z!

About Foundation Devices

Foundation Devices is founded in April 2020 as a company to develop freedom tech. The vision of the company is to go against the trend of centralisation and privacy invasion on the web by developing decentralised and private tech.

They hope to deliver technologies to become really free by acquiring self-sovereignty in cyberspace. Their first products are the Passport hardware wallet and the Envoy app, which can help you to reclaim your monetary sovereignty, which is the first important step to become free!

Get $10,- off with our code MULTISIGSIGNER

about foundation devices
Foundation Devices is a company with the mission to bring back freedom and privacy to the centralised web
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