Unchained Vault

The Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Bitcoin with Unchained Multisig Vaults

unchained multisig vault

In today’s digital age, securing your Bitcoin has become more important than ever. With the rise in cyber threats and the potential for loss or theft, finding a secure way to store your valuable Bitcoin is crucial. One solution that has gained popularity among Bitcoin enthusiasts is the use of Unchained multisig vaults, one of the best solutions for collaborative custody. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of multisig vaults and how they can provide an extra layer of security for your Bitcoin holdings.

Compatible Hardware Devices For An Unchained Vault

If you want to setup an Unchained multisig vault, you have to buy two compatible hardware devices. Below a list of hardware devices that you can use with an Unchained vault:

What is a Multisig Vault?

A multisig vault, short for multisignature vault, is a Bitcoin storage solution that requires multiple signatures to authorise a transaction. This means that in order to move Bitcoin out of a multisig vault, multiple signers must provide their approval. This added layer of security ensures that no single device has complete control over the funds. Making it more difficult for hackers or malicious actors to gain unauthorised access.

Introducing Unchained Multisig Vault

One of the leading providers of multisig vaults is Unchained Capital. As a Bitcoin native financial services company, Unchained offers a unique approach to wealth management and security. Their flagship product, the Unchained Multisig Vault, is designed to give individuals and businesses complete control over their Bitcoin holdings while maintaining the highest level of security.

How Does Unchained Multisig Vault Work?

The Unchained Multisig Vault operates on a 2-of-3 multisig model (?). This means that to authorise a transaction, two out of three private keys (?) are required. Two keys will be held by the client, while Unchained will hold one key. This ensures that Unchained can’t control the Bitcoin in the vault, while the client can always move the funds without unchained. This is the beauty of collaborative custody: The client keeps full control over his Bitcoin, while Unchained can function as backup for one private key and the wallet configuration file (?). Further they can deliver an easy to use UI and customer support.

Advantages of Unchained Multisig Vault

There are several advantages to using the Unchained Multisig Vault to secure your Bitcoin. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key benefits:

1. Total Control over Your Funds

With the Unchained Multisig Vault, you have complete control over your Bitcoin. Unlike traditional banking models where funds are held and controlled by the bank. The Unchained Multisig Vault gives you the power to manage your own wealth. You are no longer reliant on third parties to access or move your funds.

2. Protection from Counterparty Risks

By storing your Bitcoin in cold storage (?), the Unchained Multisig Vault protects your assets from potential threats such as bank or exchange failures. Even if Unchained disappears or get compromised, you can move your Bitcoin with your two keys and the open source (?) software ‘Caravan’. Cold storage refers to the practice of keeping private keys offline, away from internet-connected devices. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorised access and ensures that your Bitcoin remains secure.

3. Seamless Team Collaboration for Businesses

For businesses holding Bitcoin, the Unchained Multisig Vault offers unique solutions for team collaboration. It addresses the challenges of managing transactions, accounting and employee rotation by providing a secure and efficient way to handle Bitcoin keys. This ensures that multiple team members can access and authorise transactions without compromising security.

4. Recovery Workflow for Key Loss or Compromise

While Unchained Multisig Vaults are not insured at this time. Unchained provides a recovery workflow in the event of key loss or compromise. This process allows you to sweep funds into a new vault under the control of new keys, ensuring that your assets remain secure. It is important to note that taking precautions to safeguard your keys is crucial in order to prevent the need for this recovery process.

5. Exceptional Onboarding and Technical Support

Unchained prides itself on providing exceptional onboarding and ongoing technical support to its clients. Whether you are an individual or a business, their team is dedicated to assisting you throughout the setup process and beyond. This ensures that you have the necessary guidance and expertise to effectively secure your Bitcoin using their multisig vault.

Setting Up Your Unchained Multisig Vault

Now that we have explored the advantages of using the Unchained Multisig Vault, let’s dive into the steps involved in setting up your own vault. It is important to note that the following steps are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. Always do your own research and consult with professionals before making any decisions regarding your Bitcoin holdings.

Step 1: Create an Unchained Account

To get started with the Unchained Multisig Vault, you will need to create an approved Unchained account. This involves providing the necessary information and undergoing a verification process. Once your account is approved, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Choose Hardware Wallets

The next step is to choose the hardware wallets that will hold the keys to your multisig vault. It is best to order all the devices directly from the manufacturer to decrease the risk of a supply chain attack (?). Unchained supports popular hardware wallets such as Trezor, Ledger, and Coldcard. These wallets provide an extra layer of security by storing your private keys offline and away from potential threats.

Step 3: Upload Wallet Keys

After selecting your hardware wallets, you will need to upload the wallet keys to your Unchained account. This step is crucial for creating your multisig vault. By uploading the keys, you are establishing the foundation of the multisig model that will secure your Bitcoin.

Step 4: Backup Your Multisig Wallet Configuration File

Once your vault is set up, it is important to back up your multisig wallet configuration file. This file contains the necessary information to recover your vault in case you lose access to your hardware wallets. Storing this file in a secure location, such as a password manager like 1Password, ensures that you can access your Bitcoin even in unforeseen circumstances.

Step 5: Utilizing Your Vault

With your Unchained Multisig Vault set up, you now have complete control over your Bitcoin holdings. As long as you possess your hardware devices and their backup seed phrases (?), you can manage your funds with ease. It is important to note that losing access to both a hardware device and its seed phrase can result in the need for a recovery process. Losing two signers will make you lose your Bitcoin.

Step 6: Creating Multiple Vaults

If you wish to further diversify and secure your Bitcoin holdings, you can use the same or different hardware devices to create multiple vaults. This allows you to allocate your funds across different wallets. Providing an additional layer of protection.


In conclusion, securing your Bitcoin with a multisig vault is a prudent step in safeguarding your valuable assets. The Unchained Multisig Vault offers a secure and user-friendly solution for individuals and businesses alike. By utilizing the power of multisig technology and cold storage, you can have peace of mind knowing that your Bitcoin is protected from potential threats. Remember to follow the necessary steps in setting up your own Unchained Multisig Vault and always prioritize the security of your keys. With the right precautions and a trusted provider like Unchained. You can confidently navigate the world of Bitcoin while maintaining control over your wealth.

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