Category Multisig

Shamir’s Secret Sharing VS Multisig

shamir's secret sharing vs multisignature

Shamir’s Secret Sharing VS Multisig – The 5 Biggest Differences Do you want to safely store your Bitcoin, but you don’t know if you should use Shamir’s Secret Sharing or Multisig? Are you wondering what the difference is between Shamir’s…

Multisig For Nomad Capitalists

multisignature for nomad capitalists

Multisignature – The Ultimate Tool For Nomad Capitalists. We greatly admire ‘The Nomad Capitalist‘ by Andrew Henderson. The ethos of going where you’re best treated and the principles of Bitcoin complement each other significantly. Bitcoin provides a ‘global offshore bank…

An Introduction To Multisig

introduction to multisig

A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Bitcoin Storage with Multisignature Bitcoin, the world’s most popular cryptocurrency, holds immense value and requires the highest level of security to protect it. As the value of Bitcoin continues to rise, the incentive for theft…